BFI Programme Heritage 2022- Knowledge Sharing Day
London/ Guetersloh, November 2023
Finishing the BFI Heritage 2022 programme. The BFI celebrated the strength of partnership working in Heritage 2022 and reflected on the legacies of the programme.
Jürgen Böckman- dc1's Director of Operations- joined the panel discussion at BFI in London.
The focus of exchange were the experiences of the Framework Suppliers, who made this unique programme in cooperation with the BFI possible.
In the spirit of Heritage 2022, dc1 is pleased to have secured cultural heritage for the BFI.
All the best for the future!
Met live. Preserved, digitized, researched.
Digtisation of the huge collection of opera recordings of the recently deceased opera lover Roy Ehrenreich.
Numerous acoustic tesimonies from the New Yorker Metropolitan and City Opera as well as Carnegie Hall have been preserved by dc1 for posterity.
The British Film Institute entrusts dc1 to digitise historical photos
London/Gütersloh, 4th April , 2017
dc1 is one of a few suppliers in the world that is entrusted with the digitisation of various content of the BFI.
The BFI combines a role in promoting culture, creativity and industry in the preservation of film and television in the UK. The BFI National Archive contains nearly one million titles from the early days of film to the present day, including masterpieces such as "The Third Man", "Lawrence of Arabia", "The King's Speech" and "Shakespeare in Love".
These unique historical testimonies include films from the individual eras, formats and materials as well as a wide variety of image sources, including more than 1.3 million photos to be digitized.
In close cooperation with the BFI, the content is transferred in batches and digitised, post-processed and transmitted to the BFI in the required formats in accordance to the requirements of the customer.
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